All electrical installations deteriorate with age and use. They should therefore be inspected and tested at regular intervals to check whether they are in a satisfactory condition for continued use. Such safety checks are commonly referred to as ‘periodic inspection and testing’.
Once completed, you will be issued with an Electrical Condition Report (EICR).
Check back next week for our blog on “The EICR Report Explained”.
A periodic electrical inspection will:
Tests are also carried out on wiring and fixed electrical equipment to check that they are safe. A schedule of circuits is also provided, which is invaluable for a property.
How often is a periodic electrical inspection required?
Your electrics should be inspected and tested every:
Other times when a periodic inspection should be carried out are:
Who should carry out the periodic inspection and what happens?
Periodic inspection and testing should be carried out only by electrically competent persons, such as registered electricians. They will check the condition of the electrics against the UK standard for the safety of electrical installations, known as BS 7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations).
The inspection takes into account all the relevant circumstances and checks on:
The competent person will then issue an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) detailing any observed damage, deterioration, defects, dangerous conditions and anything that doesn’t comply with the present-day safety standard that might give rise to danger.
If anything dangerous, or potentially dangerous, is found the overall condition of the electrical installation will be declared to be ‘unsatisfactory’, meaning that remedial action is required without delay to remove the risks to those in the premises.
Crannis Technology Services Ltd are here to help you with all your electrical needs. Give our friendly team a call today on 01793 629629.