Things That Go Bump in the Night… ????

Things That Go Bump in the Night… ????

Things that go bump in the night – and we’re not talking about spectres or headless horsemen that might roam around your home this Halloween. Those spooky apparitions might seem harmless compared to the potential danger of not having a little device called an RCD—or Residual Current Device—installed.

The RCD is one of the most groundbreaking inventions in the electrical industry. Simply put, an RCD is fitted to the consumer unit (fuse box), and if something malfunctions—like a kettle, washing machine, or hairdryer—the RCD will activate in less than a second, cutting power to the faulty appliance.

This quick action can save lives, homes, and the wellbeing of families. It is always recommended to have an RCD fitted because it provides peace of mind. RCDs save several lives every year in UK households and significantly reduce the number of house fires.

Electrical regulations have required RCDs in consumer units for years, but unfortunately, this hasn’t always been implemented in older homes. The good news is that all new consumer units from the 17th edition onwards come with Dual RCDs fitted as standard, not as an optional extra.

If a home has an older-style consumer unit, it is advisable to consult a qualified electrician for an electrical inspection. Finding a good electrician is crucial, and advice on how to proceed can be found in our previous blog post How To Find A Good Electrician. Over the years, older consumer units can become overloaded and offer little to no electrical protection. This might not be apparent immediately, as everything may seem to be working well. However, there have been instances where people have used silver paper or strands of cable to replace fuse wire, which is extremely dangerous.

Attempting to replace fuse wire is risky and should never be done. Nowadays, a simple flick of a switch can resolve many issues. If the electricity isn’t working, it indicates a problem, and for safety, the consumer unit will not operate. This is the time to call upon the services of a qualified local electrician.

Don’t let the things that go bump in the night be a faulty electrical system. Ensure the home is protected with a modern, reliable consumer unit equipped with RCDs. Stay safe this Halloween and keep the real scares where they belong—in ghost stories and haunted houses, not in the home’s electrical system.

Crannis Technology Services Ltd are here to help you with all your electrical needs. Give our friendly team a call today on 01793 629629.

For further reading check our others Blogs Is Your Home Electrically Safe? Here’s What You Need to Know

An excellent source of information is also available here


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