Under New Management

***Under new management***

Here at Crannis Technology Services there has been a whole heap of stuff happening in the background. 

In the last few months, we waved adios to Darren, and in stepped Ceri to being at the helm. 

With numerous offers of support and encouragement taking over CTS was an easy decision. We have a superb team of staff and an exceptional client portfolio who return to us time and time again for the high quality and our attention to detail when we carry out works. 

Having never ran a business before I sought some expert advice. I was told to make no major changes in the first 3 months. See how things run before making changes. 

Well, that didn’t go to plan. With increased demand for our services, we needed to expand, we needed a new van, new website, new branding, new field operation management software. What hasn’t changed??

Well readers, what you’ll be pleased to hear is that the changes I have been making behind the scenes are for your benefit. If we can be more productive and efficient with our own internal systems, then we can get to you- our client quicker. 

Some changes of course possibly weren’t necessary, but I have felt the need to establish myself and my business (ooh I like that) in the marketplace. So, with new branding I feel like my stall is set ready to attract and support the “punters” – excuse the slang there but when I envisage a market stall, I hear a cockney calling out about their wares. 

So here we are. My stall is laid out, my team are prepped, and we are ready to go! Keep an eye on our socials to find out how things progress over the coming months.

Speak Soon,


Ceri Crannis


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    Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 0TH
    01793 629 629
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