Becoming a MHFA- Why is it important to us?

Ceri Crannis - Mental Health First Aider

Many of you will know my story, for those that don’t, I’ll try to catch you up…..

I am Ceri, Owner and MD of CrannisTech. I have 3 gorgeous and typical rugby loving boys, and a little girl in heaven, my forever baby. Our daughter Poppy was stillborn in December 2017. Our whole world shattered; but with great support we were able to grieve and come back from the devastation. When we fell pregnant with our rainbow baby however, I was involved in a car accident which in turn caused a multitude of mental health issues. 

Two years later, when suffering a complete mental breakdown and willing my life to end, it took one call to the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) for them to recognise PTSD, I was referred to a psychiatrist and he diagnosed me and put in place an extensive recovery plan.

Over the years I have shared my story openly, after extensive talking therapy (CBT), it becomes second nature to talk about what’s going on in your head, as it helps you to rationalise what is what and why you are feeling the way you do.

Taking over the company, I take the wellbeing of my staff and team seriously. I want them to feel appreciated, supported, and enjoy working for the company.

So, when I saw the chance to undertake Mental Health First Aider Training, I was keen to do it. I was warned it could be triggering for my own mental health issues, but I knew I could do it. I’m a much stronger person today that I have ever been in many ways. 

The course was over 5 days each day consisting of 3 hours. The delivery of course was online and was supported through MHFA for England but delivered by the amazing Claire Shelton. She was motivating, engaging, interesting and most of all so knowledgeable it was an absolute pleasure talking and learning about some of the most common mental health issues we may come across, and how, as first aiders we can assist them in their time of need.

The sessions were draining as they were such emotional subjects, but vitally important if I want to help people. I’m beyond proud of myself for completing and passing the course. I hope this will be the starting point of making Well-Being an integral part of Crannis Technology Services. 


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